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NO FEDERAL ENDORSEMENT IMPLIED. Home · HQC Fort Belvoir · Child Development Center; Parent Handbook CYS believes that parents are the most influential individuals in the lives of their child/youth. For this reason, our facilities and programs strive to create Parent Handbook. Page 5. INTRODUCTION. Child, Youth, & School Services (CYSS) are an integral part of the Directorate Family, Morale,. CYS believes that parents are the most influential individuals in the lives of their child/youth. For this reason, our facilities and programs strive to PARENT. HANDBOOK. [Updated May 2019] You may sign up for text alerts by texting us at . In the body of. Child Development Center. Parent Handbook This handbook is designed to parents with joint custody, child(ren) are eligible for child care only. Dear Parents,. Welcome to USAG Fort Jackson and Fort Jackson Child, Youth & School (CYS). Services. It is our hope that CYS Services will be your first
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